Editor's Notebook


As this site is continually evolving and material is added at various levels, it was deemed desireable to provide a quick overview of the alterations and additions made. This page shall serve this purpose. The links will take you straight to the newly added material. For your reference, the page through which the new material can normally be accessed is shown at right.

New material will be added to the site as time and opportunity permit. I have a number of data sets and a large number of photo files in hand that need to be readied for uploading. Keep coming back to see what's new!


In Albury, NSW, it is now

Thursday, March 13th, 2025,
4:28 PM, Australian Eastern Standard Time

Pages delivered since February 2000


Statistics are updated monthly
see here for explanation


9 October 2005

Completely Rebuild and Upgraded the Site as 'Digital Micronesia'  
  Updated Editorial Pages  
  Redesigned What is New Pages  
  Air Marshall Islands, Schedule for the 748, 1991 Added to
Marshalls Transport
  Air Marshall Islands, Schedule for the Jet, 1991 Added to
Marshalls Transport
  Air Marshall Islands, Schedule effective 6 June 2005 Added to
Marshalls Transport

10 October 2005

Broadened the Portal Page 'Digital Micronesia'  

Update Archive

To reduce the loading time of this page, the old update entries are archived here. Select the relevant year and month if you would like to look at the development history of this site.
2000 : April, May, June, July, August, September , October, November, and December

2001 : January to May, June , July, August, September , October , November, and December.

2002 : January, February, March, April, May, June , July, August to October, November, and December,

2003 : January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

2004: January-December

2005: January-September

10 October 2005

Site Rebuild Completed, now: 'Digital Micronesia'

23 May 2003

The site has been moved to a new university server physically located in Wagga Wagga, as the old server ('life') in Thurgoona is being discontinued.

15 March 2002

    Virtual domain marshall.csu.edu.au established.

13 September 2001

    Retrofit of counters to measure total site useage.

17 February 2000

    Invisible web counter set up for the portal page of the site.
    Systematic extension of the site.

1 August 1999

    Web site established

[Editorial Matters]

© Dirk HR Spennemann 1999-2005


The Digital Micronesia �An Electronic Library & Archive is provided free of charge as an advertising-free information service for the world community. It is being maintained by Dirk HR Spennemann, Associate Professor in Cultural Heritage Management, Institute of Land, Water and Society and School of Environmental & Information Sciences, Charles Sturt University, Albury, Australia. The server space and technical support are provided by Charles Sturt University as part of its commitment to regional engagement.

Dirk H.R. Spennemann, <Institute of Land, Water and Society , Charles Sturt University, P.O.Box 789, Albury NSW 2640, Australia.
e-mail: dspennemann@csu.edu.au

© (site and concept)
Dirk Spennemann 1999– 2005